Category Archives: Wild is the Heart

the vessel


In the midst of desires and fires, there is a clearing within the hot rain spurting out of the sky like an erupted volcano. Clearing in the mind, clearing in the heart.

Dreams now speak in metaphors and I find myself fighting to undo what has been, for so long, an extra skin.

In the beginning there was sun and sand and my toes touched the heart of earth.

It becomes easy to fall into the core of love. To once again believe in the possibility of its fruits, to be wild in its passion. Stem into directions of relinquished baths bursting in ecstatic joys filing the tips of my hair with unbound trembling. Love has resurfaced. Its rose scented oil cares for my fragile hands which touch the sounds of unshakable thoughts. The truth that lies within the many barriers of lines drawn to fit my image in. Years it has taken, but it was all worth this moment, it was all worth opening and walking into the new door, this new angle into the realm of you, my dearest friend. Life.

I am inside a vessel of dreams.



Hello Loves!!

Great news, a very fabulous boutique store is now carrying my book “wild is the heart”! so if amazon is not your cup of tea visit the link below buy my book and browse the latest trends in jewelry and fashion! Thank you in advance for the continuous support that allows me to keep writing.

out on!


Hooray! wild is the heart is now available through amazon and estores! I’m excited to share my story and my adventure with all of you. Don’t be shy buy it and find out what’s in store for your self.

wild is the heart


After my first book of poetry came out, I remember how excited I felt. It was a whole new world for me. The world was full of possibilities and I was ready to seek them all out. I loved that book and nurtured it through the process of doing promotions, book fairs, poetry readings, radio and T.V. appearances.

Then came a period of not writing. Something that was very foreign to me. I had spent all my time in promoting my book that for a while nothing new was coming to me. I had come to a full stop in my creative process. This was, of course, annoying, irritating, and frustrating. I didn’t want to force write because my attitude toward writing is that it should come naturally in the moment. That feels more authentic to me. To capture a moment on pen and paper. To free the thoughts swirling around and expose it to the light.

Wild is the Heart, was born from an adventure I had in rediscovering life again through traveling. After a few years spent in the midst of some grand changes in my life and new expectations that binded me to a mundane form of living, I realized that I had to wake up and do it quick before the moment passed me by. And so I spent some time going within to find a way out, and I did and this book gives a glimpse of the life that entered back into me.